Hi gang! We are currently in Palm Springs soaking up every. single. second of this glorious sunshine. Can’t get enough.. why did we leave California again?! Ok, not gonna dwell on that. Let’s get to today’s post. Giving you a quick glimpse inside my Spring Break Suitcase and what I brought for the week (along with a few things that are still in my cart that will be coming home with me at some point this summer).
Some of you probably already had Spring Break but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick up some of these goodies for your next vacay or to get SUMMER READY, mmmmmk?!?!
I am all about effortless style on vacation.. jean shorts/tees/tanks and loose cover ups by the pool followed by an easy, breezy wrap dress or jumper for dinner with the fam! I pack only one pair of wedges because I usually end up wearing my slides all week long. To all my mama’s who rock a wedge with a baby on your hip.. you’re my hero. But in the rare case my husband and I can sneak away kid-free, I’ll rock a wedge all damn day. Here’s what I packed:
I can’t believe I am old enough to now “do” Spring Break with my family.. like I used to go out to Palm Springs with my besties in HIGH SCHOOL and bake all day at the Marriott. Now, look at me. I’m doing it with my husband and three kids. WHATTTTTT. Except we aren’t baking in the sun all day.. I’m wearing 80 SPF hiding under a hat and sunnies (gotta protect the money maker right?) and chasing after these rascals making sure they don’t hurl themselves in the pool. Times.. they have changed.. and instead of taking swigs out of a handle of Smirnoff Raspberry Vodka (I just vomited in my mouth) with my high school pals, we are actually enjoying some poolside cocktails and adulting. Although I wouldn’t mind a few minutes kid-free to read an Us Weekly magazine.. wouldn’t be mad at that. In a few years 😉
xo, Heather