It’s been a while since I’ve had a newborn (a year to be exact) but don’t get it twisted – I remember the sleepless nights, spit up and blow outs like it was yesterday. I have successfully kept a 1 year old and 3 year old alive and still going strong so I feel like I have some credibility when it comes to baby registry items 😉 And I have been to so many baby showers in recent years/months/weeks that I’ve seen the products that are tried and true by a number of my mom friends. Below are my top 12 “couldn’t live without” baby products that I used over and over in that first year of life + then some. These items kept my babies alive and me sane – win win!

I also had the Fisher Price Rock n Play that my boys slept really well in during those first few months. Nothing worked as well as the Rock n Play due to the cozy design. I think my babies felt like they were still in the womb; however, as they grew I quickly discovered that being crunched in a cocoon position was trapping gas and causing discomfort. It was still a great option to keep the boys contained in the living room or while I showered but I didn’t use it as much for sleep after the first month.

Here’s something I will provide those first time moms because no one prepared me for the aftermath of child labor. It’s messy. It’s painful. Post baby blues are REAL (contemplating writing about my experience in a separate post.. thoughts?) And I think you should get your mind right and be prepared because I sure as hell wasn’t. Read this. And this. Don’t be scared – there’s a reason why people have a second and third and fourth (crazies) baby – this too shall pass and you will forget all about the trauma of childbirth. PTSD may linger for a few months but eventually, you won’t remember this time because you’re engulfed in newborn love and insomnia 😉

Thank you!!! Great post and helpful info. Would love a post on the baby blues and any and all pertinent info that you have to share since between the 2 of you, you have kept 3 small humans alive.
I will definitely do a post about post baby blues versus postpartum depression and what I went through! I hope it helps someone out there cope with the transition of newborn life 🙂
heyyy, so nice of you to share your experience with other moms out there. I agree with on a lot of things you mentioned. indeed, the dockatot is THE THING (at least for me), i decided to sleep train my baby a little late so i started when he was 10 months old, after four months sleeping with me in the bed sucking on my nipples ALL NIGHT LONG .. i know, it’s hard!! As my baby ( almost one) is a weird sleeper (likes to cuddle and be sandwiched between me and my husband) the dockatot – i am talking about the dockatot Grand from 9 months to 36- was the perfect transition idea ever. I remember my husband’s face when i told him how much it costs – i paid almost 300 Canadian dollars for it- but you can imagine the results if i tell you that the Dockatot is now my husband’s advice to all his futur dad friends .. worth the money.
I want to add something about the strollers. I have the Bugaboo bee, and would definitely recommand any bugaboo stroller; bee3, bee5, cameleon and fox. they are so adapted to diffcult weather and their designs are so cute.
well, sorry for the long comment. And again thank you for all the valuable ideas and advices, it’s a pleasure to read you every time 😉
Thank you so much for these recs!! I have a lot of friends who had the Bugaboo and loved it! And AMEN to the Dockatot and using it all the way up to 1 year old! Amazing! True can’t live without item!
Great post! Baby blues post please so I can direct mamas-to-be to it. The “blues” is just as real as sleep deprivation and no one gives the same kind of warning about it.
Agreed! I had NO clue that what I was feeling was SO normal and common. Post to come soon!