Happy New Year’s Eve! Our original plans included a kick ass yoga class at CorePower followed by Prosecco Pong with some of our friends.. but the stomach bug hit Heather’s house and Hand, Foot, Mouth hit Quinn so it looks like we’ll be in bed by 9. Oh wait, we would have been in bed by 9 either way 😉
Today, we’d like to share our favorite posts from 2018.. not necessarily the posts that got the most views but the ones we really enjoyed writing. It’s also a way to go back and reflect on the year we’ve had and remember how fun this blogging journey has been thus far. And lastly, it’s a way for our newer followers to get to know us better. Enjoy and have fun tonight.. we hope it includes lots and lots of champagne.
Alix’s Top Posts

5 Steps to Building the Perfect Smoothie: This was my first blog post in 2018 and one of my faves because not all smoothies are created equal. Smoothies can be super nutritious or total sugar bombs that will leave you hangry. So, review this post before blending up your next green smoothie 😉

My Personal Struggle With Food, Body Image, and an Identity Crisis: This was probably one of my most vulnerable posts. Prior to this I had never put this story into words, but I felt it was important to speak my truth and I’m glad I did.

Sugar Talk Part I & Sugar Talk Part II: With New Years resolutions upon us and many people making food related goals it might be helpful to refresh on the difference between natural sugar, added sugar, and artificial sugars. There is a lot to learn in both posts and I enjoyed getting nerdy writing them.
Heather’s Top Posts

Big Three Reveal: Revealing that we were expecting our third baby was exciting news (here) .. but sharing the gender reveal video was my absolute favorite.

My Skin Cancer Scare: No, I didn’t actually love writing this post because who likes cancer.. no one. duh. However, this was a sobering experience that I felt the need to write about to educate others about the importance of skin checks.. especially women in their child-bearing years.

Parker’s Birth Story: Because now I will always remember every detail of that day.. the third best day of my life (next to the births of my other two).
We hope you enjoyed following along this past year as we learned the ropes of the blogging world. We can’t wait to bring fresh, new content to this space in the coming year. Leave a comment with what you enjoy reading about most! CHEERS to 2019!
xx, H&A