Last weekend we did a quick 48 hour trip to the Bay Area. My husband and I met in San Francisco and lived in the bay until 2016 before moving to Seattle. We go back occasionally because my sister and her family live there and I miss so many things about the bay! Mostly the food and my people. We stayed with family friends who really wanted to see the girls and catch up. It was a busy, quick, and super fun weekend. Here is a little photo dump of our weekend. I also discuss my thinking on balancing health goals while also maintaining a certain quality of life that brings me joy and allows for experiences (esp. when traveling).
I was listening to a podcast last week and the doctor being interviewed was talking about his tips for longevity. He talked about how he liked to have a cigar about 1-2 x month and people were shocked by this because it’s obviously unhealthy. He had a quote that resonated with me about the importance of quality of life based on experiences and trade-offs in regards to health.
A lot of people expect me to be perfect with my eating, but I’m not. They are surprised when I have the pizza, diet coke, or dessert. I talk a lot about balance and being a non-diet dietitian, so I’m not sure where the shock comes from 😉
When I’m traveling I want to relax and experience the food where I am visiting. While the foods I choose to indulge on may not be the healthiest choices, for me the experience of eating these foods and being social is a trade-off. While traveling over the weekend, I had the best deep dish pizza from our old favorite pizza place in Oakland called Zackerys. Our friends were hosting us and ordered it and I’m not going to be high maintenance or deprive myself because I might get a zit from eating dairy lol.
I enjoyed a glass of champagne at brunch and a pumpkin cinnamon roll for breakfast Sunday morning. These foods brought me pleasure and were part of our traveling experience, so for me it’s a health trade-off I’m willing to make.
I told my husband we need to be more spontaneous and travel with the girls more. While it’s not super releaxing with Kinsley’s age right now it’s fun to get have these experiences.
xx, A