Didn’t I JUST write Parker’s Birth Story? That was yesterday, right? What a trip that it has been 365 days since he completed our family. And yesterday we celebrated him with a “One-Day Funday” football birthday party.. get it? Sunday Funday.. but one-day funday.. we thought it was creative

For today’s post, I thought I’d write out some milestones Parker has reached recently and some items we are loving in this busy stage of life:
He’s still an adventurous little eater who will shove just about anything in his mouth. The only thing he seems to have an aversion to is eggs.. weird, right? Just not his thing. Might be texture, might be taste. Not sure, but he throws them on the floor the second they hit the tray. NO THANKS! But chicken, pasta, fish, fruits, and veggies are his jam. For now. Ask me again in 6 months what he’s eating and my tune might be a little different. Fingers crossed I can create at least ONE healthy eater!

He’s still taking two naps a day for about 1.2-3 hours and while it gives me time to get work done or hang with the other two boys, I am looking forward to the day where we aren’t a slave to the nap schedule. In a few months, he’ll transition to one nap and it should make life a little easier. He goes to bed anywhere between 6-6:30 and is up for the day between 6:30-7 so he’s literally a dream baby. No real regressions happening and teething hasn’t affected him all that much. He can’t pull himself up in his crib yet so when that happens, I am sure we will see some more restless nights. When my other boys learned to pull themselves up, they couldn’t figure out how to get back DOWN so I’d have to go in there and assist the situation. Assuming P will follow suit.

He’s an army crawling, babbling bundle of energy. He loves to stand but can’t pull himself up and doesn’t cruise furniture yet. He’s tracking just like the other two did before him and is just late to the motor skill game. It’s fine by me.. I can still catch him when he takes off. He loves to say “uh oh,” “helloooooo,” and “peek-a-boo” but other than that, it’s mostly squeals, bubbles and babbles. Sooner than later, I’m going to have three dudes telling me what to do 24 hours a day. Until then, I’ll just soak up the sweetness.

He’s Mr. Personality.. loves people, saying “hello” and giving strangers big, gummy grins in the grocery store. Definitely no wallflower here. He’s pretty strong-willed and knows exactly what he wants and when you take it away, he will LET. YOU. KNOW. that he is NOT happy about it. As the third babe, I think he’s going to learn he’s gotta get scrappy to get what he wants when it comes to his big brothers. He’s already showing great promise in that area by snatching up cars they leave spewed across the living room floor and shoving them directly into his mouth. SAVAGE!

Items We Love:
And now let the real craziness begin.. with three toddler boys
xo, H
My little one is at the pulling up in the crib and not really able to get back down stage! How do you handle that? Did your other boys just go right back to sleep? We’re dealing with popping right back up when I lay him down and major tears.
Hi! Have you lowered the crib to the lowest setting? I’d try that! My little one is pulling up to his knees but not standing yet so once that happens, I will be lowering the crib to the very lowest. Hopefully that helps! And by the time he can pull himself up to that setting, he will be old enough to get back down! Good luck mama!