This little love.. truly one special baby who has captured all of our hearts.. and we’ve only known him for 5 months. I thought it was time to give an update on Mr. Parker because he has blossomed into a pretty cool dude and we are enjoying life with him so, so much.

First, let’s get to the sleep department because I know this is what most mama’s want to hear about. I sleep trained Parker when he was two months old.. not hardcore like make him cry all night long type sleep training but put him down awake and made him “figure it out.” And he did. But I still fed him once in the middle of the night. I know this method isn’t for everyone and gives some mama’s anxiety that they haven’t done it yet but this was just what was right for me and Parker. The kid was craving sleep. As was I.
Now, fast forward a couple months and Parker has been officially sleeping through the night for the past month.. so just after he turned four months old. He dropped his middle of the night feeding all on his own. Now he sleeps from 6 pm to 6:30/7 am like clockwork… and now that I wrote that he’ll probably regress but tis’ life. He takes 2-3 naps a day.. all just depends on our routine that day but when we’re home, he takes 2 super long naps.. one in the morning and one in the afternoon. He’s my best sleeper BY FAR out of my three kids.. and I pray he stays the course cuz not gonna lie, it makes me love him that much more. If you’re curious about my sleep training technique, read my post here.

He’s starting to roll from back to tummy and then gets stuck… cue the screams. But he’s pretty proud of himself. And it’s a trip when I put him down in his crib and check on him 2 minutes later, he’s completely laying the other way… he’s a little ninja baby rolling around in there. But he loves the freedom it’s bringing him and it’s like watching him explore a whole new world.

I introduced him to “solids” the other day and gave him pureed sweet potatoes. And to be honest, I don’t think he’s ready for real food yet because he’s still pretty unstable when sitting upright and can’t quite figure out that he’s supposed to SWALLOW the food.. he just drools it out.. nasty… but it was fun to experiment and try! Next up: carrots and peas. And he just gave me some MAJ side eye. Sorry, P!

If you watch our Insta stories, you saw that I posted about P’s two different eye colors. Crazy, right? So, Jackson has my husband’s green/brown/hazel-ish eye color, Cammy’s came out BRIGHT BLUE (stud) and Parker’s came out somewhere in between. My eyes are a green/blue so I’m like ok where are the kids with MY eyes? I digress.. anyway, Parker’s eyes were initially a dark grey so I had a feeling they would turn to the hazel color… and they did.. except only one. The other one is still a dark blue color. So he has one hazel eye and one blue eye.. it’s pretty amazing! I really really really hope it stays that way because it is SO unique and special but we’ll see! He’s unique and special if his eyes were the same color but you know what I mean.

Parker is also my only babe who has ever sucked his thumb.. and it’s so CUTE!! Not freaked out about it at all.. people are so weird. None of my kids ever really liked pacifiers and I didn’t have to break that habit but P finds his thumb when he’s tired and it puts him straight to sleep. Literally the cutest freaking thing I have ever seen. Love it. I hope he does it forever lol.

We’ll be taking our first flight with all three kids and P’s first time on an airplane this weekend.. headed to Palm Springs.. and can’t wait to get his little cheeks sun-kissed (with plenty of SPF and hats on OOOOK?!).

Also.. lastly, this is a public service announcement that the Rock N Play was officially RECALLED and it’s time to throw that piece of garbage OUT! ESPECIALLY if you have a baby sleeping in it. Both Cameron and Parker slept in it for about 2 months (I know babies who slept in it til 4+ months) but it’s truly not meant for sleep. Ugh, it’s so hard because babies love this thing. The second your baby can roll though.. get them out of it! RIP Rock n Play.

Thanks for following along my motherhood journey and keeping up with my nutty world with 3 boys. Nothing about raising kids is easy. It’s the hardest actually. I came across the funniest woman on Facebook who has a channel called “That’s Inappropriate” and if you’re a mom and haven’t seen her videos, you need to watch right now! The one about her husband going to the grocery store with three kids had me crying laughing. Because it’s MY TRUTH!!! Also.. it’s OK to not enjoy every moment. That’s worth a listen too. Because in between all of the sweet moments with my kids, they drive me absolutely crazy 😉 And that’s ok..
xx, H

god bless all your kids. you’re doing great bravooooo