Last week was our Spring Break and this is the second year in a row that we didn’t get up and go anywhere (thanks, Covid ya jerk). While we would have loved to be in Arizona or Palm Springs soaking up the warm weather, we decided to stay put for a few reasons. My husband is back to doing some light travel for work and had a couple of trips planned last week that he couldn’t move. And we plan to spend an entire month this summer back in Wisconsin and figured we didn’t need to spend the money on 5 plane tickets so close to that trip. However, my husband made a comment that every Spring Break from here on out, we will go somewhere. And by next year, we will be home free with Parker and flying. Right now, he’s still a little tough on an airplane but by next year, he will be just like my big boys and happy to zone out to movies on his iPad (and yep I am 100% ok with that). But since we were home and didn’t sync up with some of our friend’s Spring Breaks, we were on our own but still found plenty to do to keep us busy.
We kicked off Spring Break with a trip to see the Easter Bunny (EB). Our golf club had a small event that dare I say.. felt normal. Yes we were in masks and they didn’t have a 600 egg hunt like usual but the EB was still there to greet the kids and we had brunch as a family. It was so refreshing and gave me so much hope for the months ahead. The kids had no idea that it wasn’t our “usual” Easter Sunday and had just as much fun as they normal would. Something that this past year has taught me is that my kids don’t need a lot. They don’t need over the top birthday parties. They don’t need a million friends around at all times. They don’t need all the toys in the world. “Keep it simple” is a phrase for a reason and it has rung true day after day during this pandemic.

The first two days of Spring Break were sunny and absolutely perfect in the PNW. We headed out to our local skate park for the boys to ride their bikes and release some energy. Someone asked me for advice the other day about having boys. “How do you do it?” Just like every other mom with boys or girls! They’re all rascals with endless energy but yes, boys are special in that the energy doesn’t stop from the second they wake up to the minute they close their eyes at night. Luckily, my boys have each other and get along great so it’s a built-in best friend/buddy system. This is also a huge reason why we moved to the burbs.. they needed space to ROAM. I am so thankful that we made it through another winter and the boys can be outside running, playing, kicking, exploring and just being their crazy selves. The only thing I have to do is provide the snacks.. the ENDLESS snacks because they’re always hungry. My pantry can’t keep up.

It was actually nice not having to get up and get them all ready for school, pack lunches, and make sure all of their COVID forms were in their backpacks. We had slower mornings, stayed in pajamas later than usual, then ventured out for an errand or two, would grab lunch, and spend the afternoons at home in the backyard when it was sunny. We went to Red Robin for burgers and fries one day and then came home and bounced on the trampoline, which was not my brightest idea. But the boys love when my husband or I jump with them so I took one for the team as my husband looked on lol.

I haven’t spent a ton of time in the kitchen lately because my motivation has been low. Also, the boys are back in sports and we are going to and from a field more days than not. But Spring Break brought some warmer weather and free time so I made a “healthy” lemon loaf with cream cheese frosting a la Arielle Lorre. You can find the recipe on her Instagram page.

And for all of you perfect parents out there, a lot of Spring Break looked like this when they were exhausted after a day of playing outside:

Oh and this too. Cheers!

Lastly, my parents came to visit toward the end of Spring Break and it gave me a chance to get out of the house to run errands solo, which was a major help! We don’t have any grandparents who live in Washington so we don’t take them for granted when they visit.

And for those of you embarking on your Spring Break this week, have fun and soak up the warm weather! Alix and I are taking at trip up to the Tulip Fields today because Quinn is on SB (and my boys would not have appreciated it!). Get ready for all the flower spam.
xx, Heather