My Current Workout Routine:
I currently workout 5-6 days a week and the other 1-2 days are active recovery days where I will walk, stretch, take a yoga class, or nothing at all if I don’t have time. I switch up my workouts daily to keep it interesting. The past year or so I have really focused my workouts around strength training. This post explains why strength training for women is so important.
I primarily use the Peloton app for workouts. It’s nice because I choose a new class and whatever instructor I’m feeling which keeps it fun and fresh.
Monday // lower body day
I will usually do a quick run on the tread or cycle class (20-30 minutes) for a little cardio/warm up + 20-30 minute lower body strength class
Tuesday // upper body day
I will do for a little cardio/warm up same as Monday + 20 minute upper body class + 10 min core class
Wednesday // HIIT day.
Heather and I meet on the tread at 6am for a Thunder 45 class. If you’ve never taken one you should join us!!!
Thursday // recovery day
This will often be a recovery day because I’m sore. I will do a long walk on the tread before work and stretch.
Friday// full body strength day
I will sometimes do a full body bike or hike boot camp this day or just a 30-45 mins full body strength class. I also try and play pickleball these days which is some movement, but mostly just for fun.
Saturday-Sunday // free choice days
These days are usually recovery/fun days. I will take a yoga class, hike, walk, Pilates, pickleball etc. I don’t typically strength train on the weekend unless I missed a workout during the week.
I also try to get 12000+ steps a day. On days I work I get plenty of steps with the kids ;). When I’m not at work I take Daisy and Kins on a 3 mile walk before we pick Quinn up from the bus stop.
I also make sure to stretch and/or foam roll either while watching TV before bed or take a 5-10 minute stretch class on the Peloton app.
Walking and strength training is all you need for an effective workout routine IMO. I’ll sprinkle in a little cardio because it makes me feel good mentally, but like I mentioned in my strength training post a cardio heavy workout routine isn’t it.
Tips for sticking to your workout routine:
A friend recently told me I’m very disciplined, which I am, and I think that comes from growing up as a competitive athlete. Training has always been a priority for me when playing soccer and that is something I have taken with me into adulthood. I train now to feel good mentally and physically, stay strong, and be as healthy physically I can be to ward off diseases.
Find your why: All this to say, it’s important to find your why. What motivates you to make working out a priority. If your only motivation is weight loss/body dissatisfaction working out will likely not stick as a consistent habit. Moving your body should feel good and be mostly enjoyable. If you don’t enjoy it or look forward to it then it won’t stick.
Make it part of your identity: This may sound weird, but make it part of you. For example, I grew up a very competitive athlete. Training and working out has always been part of my identity. I really feel like myself when I’m moving. If you love Pilates, walking, Orange Theory, Peloton, tennis, whatever…make it part of what makes you YOU. Own it. Get excited about it and make it a priority.
Schedule it in: Scheduling in your workouts should be just as important as scheduling a work meeting, the kid’s dentist appointments, etc. We all have busy schedules…make it a priority…a non negotiable. Some days I have to wake up at 5am to get it done and I’m always so glad I got it in. You’ll never regret a workout.
Find friends with similar habits and goals: Honestly some of my best workout days are when I meet Heather on the tread. It holds me accountable and we push each other. I also love traveling with friends with similar habits. My friend and I walked 12,000-15,000 steps a day when we were in Scottsdale because we both love walking and being active. Meet friends for coffee and a walk/hike or a Pilates class. Find people who support you in your goals.
Get your partner on board: My husband knew from the day he met me that being active was important to me. Like I said before, it’s always been part of my identity. He knows I’m a moody B until I get my workout in. He is always on board to watch the girls so I can go to a yoga class, play pickleball, or hop on the tread for workout on the weekends. I know he likes time to go to Home Depot and work in the yard. We each support what makes the other happy and make sure we each have that time on the weekends.
Switch it up and keep it fun: Lastly, keep it fun. If you dread your workout every time then it won’t stick. Find something you actually ENJOY doing. That’s the best workout for YOU. I actually LOVE lifting weights. I hated it in college (weight room days were just for flirting with the football team IYKYK ;). I encouraged you to try things out of your comfort zone sometimes and push yourself to do hard things, but the best workout is one you will do consistently because you like it.
xx, A
Great post <3