How to prepare for traveling with kids… in particular, ones that are 6 and under because that’s my current area of “expertise.” And by expertise I just mean I’m as big of a shit show as the next mom preparing for a flight with their children. A ball of anxiety, really. However, we have done our fair share of traveling over the years with our tiny crew and my anxiety has lessened. As moms, we try to control every little thing. We like to micro manage every detail because it makes us feel better. But when it comes to a flight, you can do all the prep in the world and it could still be a disaster. Today I am sharing my tips for how I prepare for a flight with a 3, 4, and 6 year old. And when all hell breaks loose because I couldn’t control a spill, a meltdown, or a fight, that’s when you call in reinforcements named alcohol.
Packing: I pack one big suitcase for all three boys and use these packing cubes for each of their items. Each kid gets their own cubes and own colors so it’s easy to identify when you’re unpacking. I know, genius. Not just a pretty face over here.
Carry On: Each child has a backpack of their stuff that I try to make them wear themselves through the airport (LOL I am always carrying them by the end or they end up in the stroller but we TRY!) In each of their bags, they have their own headphones, tablets (more on that in a second), snacks, treats, window clings, and a few small toys of their choice: toys include cars, trucks, trains, airplanes…anything they can launch off the seat into the person in front or behind them who is then returning said toy every 2 seconds. Have kids they said..

Tablets: My boys have broken so many iPads over the years so we wisened up. They now have these tablets for under $100 and they do everything they could need and more. YoutubeKids, Netflix, Roblox (not a clue what this is but they love it), and all the apps.
Apps for Tablets: My big boys play Roblox, NFL games, and Minecraft constantly. They really don’t need anything else. It’s Parker, the 3 year old tyrant, who requires the most hand holding on our flights. For him we have: PBS Kids, YouTubeKids (sometimes it works on planes), Kidloland, and Barnyard. I also make sure to download a few movies to the Netflix app. If none of that works, I heard Benedryl does (kidding.. maybe).
Double Stroller/Car Seats: We still travel with our double stroller and gate check it, meaning we take it through security until the bitter end. Parker still wants to sit in it while we cruise through the airport and it holds our extra bags, backpacks, etc. I use these clips to hang additional bags if needed. As for carseats, we put a protector bag on them and check those when we check our bags.

Snacks/Water/Treats: I typically shop for snacks and treats ahead of our trip. I’ll make some PB&J sandwiches and throw one in each of their bags, applesauces, granola bars, etc. As for treats, I allow them 🙂 Sometimes their ears hurt upon landing and so I make sure to have water bottles for them (that I stop for after security) and something they like to eat that will make them swallow and pop their ears.. or at least something that will distract them. I like to get treats that they can’t blow through quickly.. think Skittles or M&M’s. One by one!

Extra Outfits For Them & You: I typically wear leggings or a jogger/sweatshirt set on flights. Jeans can go straight to hell here. Comfort is key. Now, someone is bound to spill something (and if it’s my prosecco we have PROBLEMS). But it happens so I always make sure to pack an extra pair of pants/tshirt for the boys and usually just an extra shirt for me.. just in case. I also pack sanitizer wipes for spills instead of having to ask a flight attendant for napkins if/when something spills.

Getting on the Plane/Where We Sit: You know how they board families with kids under 2 first? Why? Just so you can sit for an additional 45 minutes while people get on? This has never made any sense to me. Maybe if you have a baby who sleeps on you the whole time. But what I have found is that my boys need to get their wiggles and energy out before we sit for an extended period of time. We wait until the bitter end to board the plane (especially if we don’t need overhead space). I mean they are basically paging us to get on the plane before they close the gate. By the time we take our seats, they are just about closing the boarding doors for take off. Additionally, we sit in the back of the plane. Next to the bathrooms. Next to the flight attendants who house the alcohol. And 9 times out of 10 an additional empty seat because no one wants to sit back there. And most people sitting in the back of the plane aren’t frequent fliers who get mad when a baby/kid is crying or whining. It’s usually other families who GET IT.
When All Else Fails: This too shall pass. Deep breaths, take a sip, and try not to get a divorce in the process. This is what I tell myself 🙂 It will all be worth it when you get there…
What are your tips and tricks for flights with your kids? Leave a comment!!
xx, Heather