Rest and recovery days are so important for people of all fitness levels. Recovery is an important aspect of any exercise routine because it allows the body time to repair and strengthen itself in between workouts. If we don’t allow for rest days, the stress will build up and there will likely be negative side effects. I used to feel guilty about rest days and not properly take care of myself between workouts. I wish I knew what I know now about recovery when I was a college athlete.
Recovery is something I now take seriously to ensure I don’t get mental or physical burnout. Rest days actually help you get stronger and prevent injury or overtraining. Here is a list of things I have added to my recovery toolbox over the years that really help me.
I love my Oura ring for tracking my sleep stats. The quality of sleep matters a lot, and my ring gives me all the details. It’s helped me prioritize my sleep (hence why I put it as #1 in my toolbox). It also tracks all activity, heart rate, my cycle, etc. and provides me with a readiness score based on all of these factors. It will often accurately indicate when I need a rest or active recovery day.
I’ve really dialied into my sleep hygiene and making sure I’m getting quality sleep because sleep impacts EVERYTHING! If you’re trying to get stronger, sleep is crucial because most muscle repair and growth happen while you’re asleep. Getting good sleep is truly one of the best things you can do for your health.
Stretch/Foam Rolling
I don’t always have time to stretch right after a workout, but I try and sneak it in throughout the day. While watching a show, playing with Kins, before bed, etc. I’ve been loving all of the stretching and foam rolling classes Peloton offers. I try to do at least one a day even if it’s just a 5 minute one. I love Ben’s 10 minute full body stretches the most right now.
Active Recovery/Rest Days
I definitely have days I just want to veg out all day, but taking active recovery days is so important. Active recovery increases blood circulation, which helps remove waste products that have been broken down by intense exercise. Then, fresh blood flow can deliver nutrients that help repair and rebuild muscles. You can’t get stronger without recovery days. If you try to max out every workout, 7 days a week, you’re likely going to burn out, not be able to workout as hard or long as you’d like, increase risk of injury, and this could even cause increase in body fat.
I will have 1-2 active recovery days a week which include long walks with the dog, taking a low impact ride on the Peloton, or a yoga class. It’s also important to have a day of complete rest I notice on the day after I have a total rest day I am able to workout way harder and have more motivation throughout my workout. Weaving in active recovery and rest days make harder training days way more enjoyable and productive.
Smart Hydration
LMNT is my go to after a hard and sweaty workout when I need to hydrate and replenish electrolytes. Many electrolyte products out there have a lot of added sugar in them (I’m so guilty of drinking them in the past), but LMNT has no added sugar, tastes great, and gives your body the proper dose of sodium and electrolytes we need. This is a great article on why electrolytes and fluid balance is so important.
Baths + Cold Shower
When I’m sore and achy nothing feels more soothing than an epsom salt bath. I take about 2-3 baths a week and make the water as hot as I can tolerate. Since I don’t have a sauna at our new house, I use the bath as a way to sweat and detox. I add in about 2 cups of epsom salt (like this nothing fancy) to help sooth sore muscles. I also add in about 1/2 c baking soda to increase detoxification and some essential oils for relaxation. After about 20 minutes I will take a shower to rinse it all and then turn it to freezing water for about 10-20 seconds and benefits include increase circulation, increase metabolism, boost immunity, and can help with muscle relaxation. I’m hoping we will soon get a sauna and cold plunge at the house 😉
My absolute favorite thing is a good massage. I try to get them once a month if I can because there are so many benefits to massage. While it is so relaxing, it also helps with circulation, improve muscle soreness and tension, boosts immunity, and helps lower stress to name a few benefits. I also use my massage gun (similar to this one) a few times a week on my back and legs when I’m feeling tight or before workout to loosen up.
xx, A